
Please see the list of fees available below:

Pre-Primary (Grades 000 – R)
School fees per learner per annum for 2024 are R38 500.


Grades 1-3
School fees per learner per annum for 2024 are R36 080.


Grades 4-7
School fees per learner per annum for 2024 are R35 475.


Grades 000 – R pay an annual levy of R2 000.


Stationery Levy (Pre-Primary)
Grade 000: R800
Grade 00: R900
Grade R: R 1 200


Overnight excursions and tours are payable in addition to school fees.

Please note:

The payment of school fees is statutory in nature and prescribed by law, being compulsory for parents in accordance to Sections 39, 40 and 41 the SA Schools Act No.84 of 1996. School fees may not be referred to a debt counsellor for debt review under Section 129 of the National Credit Act. Accordingly, the school has the right to proceed with legal action should school fees not be paid.